Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Life Skills: Courageous Conflict #1 (Virtual)

Learn to navigate the complex landscape of conflict, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. Understand the roots of conflict, discover self-awareness, and develop the courage to confront and resolve issues.

Life Skills: Budget 101 (Virtual)

This class will show you how to make and maintain a simple budget and plan for most of your expenses so you can avoid those unpleasant financial surprises at the end of the month.

Parenting: Words Matter – Silent Words (Virtual)

  As parents, we might think “the silent treatment” is just discipline. After all, you’re not using hurtful words. But this is damaging to a child’s emotional well-being. This lesson describes the actions and their impact and gives helpful advice on better options.

Parenting: Words Matter – Magic Words (Virtual)

Imagine children as delicate, vibrant blossoms in the garden of life, each one unique and filled with endless potential. Just like flowers, they need the nourishment of positivity and validation to truly flourish.

Toddler Milestones (Virtual)

Your busy toddler is quickly learning new skills in the areas of cognitive development, language and communication development, social and emotional development, and physical development. Every month brings exciting, new advancements in what he can do.

Potty Training (Virtual)

This lesson will cover the basics of potty training, including how to know when to start potty training; preparation for the big day; the “how to’s” of potty training; rewards and encouragement; dealing with disappointment; tips for boys; tips for girls.

Sleep, Bedtime & Mornings (Virtual)

You put them to bed, and before you know it, they’re back up again. Hungry, thirsty, lonely, not tired . . . how can you keep them in bed? Toddlers don’t want to miss out on anything, and often naps and bedtimes become a clash of wills. You can lead a toddler to bed, but

Bonding With Your Toddler (Virtual)

Raising confident and happy kids is really hard work! And even though parents don’t always do everything right, at the core is the bond they forge with their children. It begins early in infancy and grows throughout their lives. But how do you do it? In this lesson, we’ll talk about what it means to

The Importance of Play (Virtual)

You may think it’s all just fun and games when you watch a toddler play. But really, many of skills we need to be successful in life are learned in toddlerhood through play. Toddlers learn how to work with others, to share, to negotiate, and to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills. Best of all, they

Toddler – Toddler Illness (Virtual)

  Your toddler is sick, and you’re worried! Maybe even a little disgusted! Ugh! Snotty noses, vomiting, or diarrhea everywhere—is it just a simple bug or something more? Do you go to the doctor now or wait? It’s challenging when our little ones are sick, and their bugs definitely take their toll on us all!

Toddler – Getting Your Child To Eat (Virtual)

Getting your child to eat can be a challenge. It's hard enough to get a kid to eat vegetables, but what do you do if you struggle to get your child to eat almost anything? The key is to be consistent and reward their good behavior; this lesson helps you do that! Learn simple methods