Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Virtual Co-Parenting: Critical Issues

Whether single parenting, coparenting, or parenting in a new, blended family, finances are always an important “hot topic” to be discussed and processed between parents. Money is emotional, but these commonsense tips will help keep your finances on track. Family therapist and child specialist Rebecca K. Griffith helps us understand the emotional needs of children

Virtual Parenting Without Shame: Emotions

Emotions play a huge role in the way we parent.  You are the leader to teach your children about their emotions and how to manage them correctly.  This virtual class will help you in this parenting task.

Being A Father: Practical Discipline

Disciplining our children can be hard to manage at times. This virtual class will show you some ways to be consistent and create balance in your children.

Parenting: Creating Honesty (Virtual)

We’ve all caught our kids in a lie or two. We’ve even told a few ourselves. Why do kids lie, and can you teach them to tell the truth? In this class, we talk about why people lie, how your reaction to your kids’ lies can, in fact, encourage them to lie, and what you

Parenting: Creating Confidence (Virtual)

What kind of superhero confidence does it take to carry your child through life? To give them supernatural power over their own actions or to defeat the villains of the schoolyard? In this class, we talk about the three things you can do to help create the superpower of confidence in your child!

Parenting: Creating Kindness (Virtual)

We want our kids to help old ladies cross the street, serve meals to the poor, and befriend lonely kids at school. But how can we teach them to be kind? Where does kindness come from? This class gives tips on finding those teachable moments in everyday life where we can guide our children to

The Fatherhood Adventure: Taking Care of Them Postpartum (Virtual)

It’s done! You made it through pregnancy and labor and delivery! The baby is here and home. Well, wipe the sweat off your brow and roll up your sleeves, cause you’re not done yet! She will be sore, exhausted, emotional, and stressed out caring for the baby and home. She will need a lot of

Parenting: Strong Willed Children (Virtual)

Do you have a child who is a force to be reckoned with? Who won’t take no for answer, won’t be reasoned with, and won’t do anything they don’t want to do? If so, then you likely have a strong-willed child. Is this good? Is it bad? Can they be taught to comply and cooperate?

Parenting: Child Anger (Virtual)

They get so mad! And sometimes we just don’t know why! You expect meltdowns from toddlers, who are just trying to figure out their big feelings. But what about your school-age child? Is her anger normal, or is there something more going on? Are there other intense feelings your child is struggling with? In this

Parenting: ADHD/ Autism (Virtual)

What do we do when we think our little one could have ADHD or Autism?  We will share some ideas and thoughts to help you parent in a way that helps them thrive.