Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

First Year: First Year Expectations (Virtual)

During that first year of a baby's life there are so many changes.  This class will introduce you to some of the major changes and when to expect them in your baby. After registration, you will be sent a link to join the class.

Pregnancy: Potty Training (Virtual)

This video shows the basics of potty training, including how to know when to start potty training; preparation for the big day; the “how to’s” of potty training; rewards and encouragement; dealing with disappointment; tips for boys; tips for girls. This will help you take the fears out of potty training. After registration, you will

First Year: Mommy Nutrition (Virtual)

Let’s see . . . the choice between a Snickers bar for lunch or a healthy alternative. The decision is tough, isn’t it? It’s hard to choose what is good over what feels good. This video looks at why a mommy’s nutritional needs are important and how you can make healthy choices 90 percent of

Life Skills: Screen Time and You (Virtual)

Phones, tablets, and gaming consoles. Social media, chats, texts, and apps for everything! Life has never been more efficient, fun, and . . . distracting. Is technology improving our lives, or is it taking us down a slippery slope? In this video, we talk about what the real problem is and how to enjoy your

Toddler: Tantrums (Virtual)

Nothing says membership to the Mommy Club more than watching another mom struggle through a tantrum with her toddler. Every parent will eventually experience meltdowns in their children as they move through toddlerhood. What really causes tantrums? What can you do to help your child through this stage? How do you stop them, or better

First Year: Infant Nutrition (Virtual)

There are many nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Putting it all together may seem like a complex chemistry assignment. While much goes into providing your infant with a healthy diet, whether you’re breastfeeding, using formula, or eventually introducing solid foods, it’s really not complicated. Your own healthy diet establishes a positive pattern for your

Personal and Home Hygiene (Virtual)

Taking care of yourself and your home is vital to living a healthy life.  We will show you the importance of proper personal hygiene to improve your health and ways to take care of your home. After registration, you will be sent a link to join class.

Toddler: Siblings (Virtual)

They grow up together, live life together, and share a mom and dad. Sometimes they fight like cats and dogs; sometimes they show incredible kindness and sacrifice. And sometimes they hit each other because they are bored! They are siblings. This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together

First Year: Infant Accidents (Virtual)

Bringing a new baby home is exciting. But keeping her safe can be stressful! As she grows, she begins to kick and push with her legs, grab at things, roll over, and crawl. These exciting milestones can cause you lots of worries about keeping your baby safe. In this class, we discuss how to prevent

Life Skills: Staying Out Of Debt (Virtual)

You’ve worked hard to get there, and now you’re finally out of debt. Does life now just go on as usual? Or do you need a plan to stay out of debt? In this video, we’ll look at the behaviors and habits it takes to stay out of debt and spend purposefully. After registration, you