Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Parenting – Parenting Without Shame; Boundaries & Emotional Safety (Virtual)

Boundaries are those invisible barriers that we establish in relationships in order to protect what we value. They impact all areas of our lives. But boundaries don’t just happen, they have to be taught and internalized. Learn about the different types of boundaries, how to nurture them in your child, why they are important to

Comfortable in the Kitchen with Melissa (In-Person)

Have you ever wondered what to have for breakfast and tired of the same old cereal or toast?  Come let our resident chef, Melissa, share some new ideas and techniques for making your breakfast.  Seats are limited, so register quickly!

Pregnancy – Taking Care of Yourself After Child Birth (In-Person)

Women are often taught to consider the needs of others before their own. After giving birth, it is critical for a woman to take good care of herself so that she is better equipped to care for her newborn. Things like postpartum healing, rest, nutrition, exercise, and knowing how to handle the baby blues help

Dad Support Group

This is a safe and welcoming space where fathers can come together to share experiences. You can also seek advice and build a supportive community.  We will explore what the Bible says about being a Godly role model for our children. Whether you're navigating sleepless nights, diaper changes, or adjusting to the joys and challenges

Being A Father – Real Time (In-Person)

President Barack Obama said in his Father’s Day speech in 2008, “What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child—it’s the courage to raise one.” You may have heard that being a good father means spending time with your children. But what does that entail? Is it just enough to be

Parenting – Creating Motivation (Virtual)

  “I want it, and I want it now!” If you enticed your child with the reward of two marshmallows for waiting just fifteen minutes before eating the first one, would she do it? Does she have the self-discipline to delay gobbling one sugary treat right away in order to have two in the future?

Pregnancy – Infant Expectations (In-Person)

The first hours, days, and weeks with your newborn baby can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn and know! What will my baby look like? What is normal? What kind of behaviors can I expect? Should my baby really sleep so much? Why does my baby cry so much? Is it colic? What

Dad Support Group

This is a safe and welcoming space where fathers can come together to share experiences. You can also seek advice and build a supportive community.  We will explore what the Bible says about being a Godly role model for our children. Whether you’re navigating sleepless nights, diaper changes, or adjusting to the joys and challenges

Being A Father – Being A Role Model (In-Person)

  Once you’re a father, you’re an instant role model—good or bad. Your kids learn everything from you: how to treat their mother, how they themselves should be treated, how to act, how to parent, and what is most important in life. The question is, what kind of role model are you? This lesson talks

Pregnancy – Infant Hygiene (In-Person)

Caring for an infant does not require vast amounts of training or an advanced degree. Caring for an infant simply requires a dedicated parent willing to respond to a child’s needs in appropriate ways. This lesson provides standard techniques of care that will help parents provide for their infant’s day-to-day hygiene needs.

Dad Support Group

This is a safe and welcoming space where fathers can come together to share experiences. You can also seek advice and build a supportive community.  We will explore what the Bible says about being a Godly role model for our children. Whether you’re navigating sleepless nights, diaper changes, or adjusting to the joys and challenges

Being A Father – Being A Leader (In-Person)

  To lead or not to lead, that is the question. Well, once you’re a father, you’re a leader, like it or not. Your children will naturally turn to you for guidance and direction. They also look to you to keep them safe. The question then becomes, how you will lead? Even if being a