Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Parenting: Creating Honesty (In Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

We’ve all caught our kids in a lie or two. We’ve even told a few ourselves. Why do kids lie, and can you teach them to tell the truth? In this lesson, we talk about why people lie, how your reaction to your kids’ lies can, in fact, encourage them to lie, and what you

Toddler: The Importance of Play (Virtual)

  You may think it’s all just fun and games when you watch a toddler play. But really, many of skills we need to be successful in life are learned in toddlerhood through play. Toddlers learn how to work with others, to share, to negotiate, and to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills. Best of all,

Parenting: Creating Courage (In Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

  Your child dents your neighbor’s car when playing ball in the street. Do they tell you about it, or do they hide it and hope nobody finds out? We want our children to develop into courageous little people who will always do the right thing, even when they’re afraid. But how do you teach

The First Year: The First Year Expectations (In Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

  Is my baby doing OK?  That first year has many new things and challenges.  This class will show you what is normal and when to be concerned.

Toddler: The Importance of Words (Virtual)

Your words are incredibly important to your child because you’re incredibly important to your child! Unfortunately, it’s hard to always say the right things. Words are powerful; they can build confidence and self-esteem, or in one heated moment, tear your child down. In this lesson, we’ll show you how you can grow your toddler through

Parenting: Creating Kindness (In Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

  We want our kids to help old ladies cross the street, serve meals to the poor, and befriend lonely kids at school. But how can we teach them to be kind? Where does kindness come from? This lesson gives tips on finding those teachable moments in everyday life where we can guide our children

The First Year: Infant Nutrition (In Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

There are many nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Putting it all together may seem like a complex chemistry assignment. While much goes into providing your infant with a healthy diet, whether you’re breastfeeding, using formula, or eventually introducing solid foods, it’s really not complicated. Your own healthy diet establishes a positive pattern for your

Parenting: Strong-Willed Children (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Does your child seem to want their way all of the time?  Are you struggling to balance discipline and not injure their confidence?  This class is for you!  We will look at how to manage a strong-willed child and enable them to be confident in their life.

First Year: Infant Sickness (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

  This class will teach you what to look for and what to do when your new baby is not feeling good.

Parenting: Child Anger (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Does you child seem to be upset or angry all of the time?  This class can help you understand and help you teach them how to manage their emotions.

Toddler: Potty Training (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

  Potty training...... When to start? What to do? Is my child ready?  All of these questions and more will be answered in this class.  Come and see.

Car Seat Class – In-Person

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Have you ever tried to install your child’s car seat and it just didn’t look right?  Are you about to have a baby and need help knowing what to be prepared for?  We can help you!  This class will show you the ins and outs of car seats and how they are installed.  We will