Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Toddler: Siblings (Virtual)

They grow up together, live life together, and share a mom and dad. Sometimes they fight like cats and dogs; sometimes they show incredible kindness and sacrifice. And sometimes they hit each other because they are bored! They are siblings. This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together

Being A Father: Being A Leader (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

To lead or not to lead, that is the question. Well, once you’re a father, you’re a leader, like it or not. Your children will naturally turn to you for guidance and direction. They also look to you to keep them safe. The question then becomes, how you will lead? Even if being a good

Toddler: Sleeping, Bedtimes & Mornings (Virtual)

You put them to bed, and before you know it, they’re back up again. Hungry, thirsty, lonely, not tired . . . how can you keep them in bed? Toddlers don’t want to miss out on anything, and often naps and bedtimes become a clash of wills. You can lead a toddler to bed, but

Virtual Parenting Without Shame: Eliminating Shame

This virtual parenting class shows ways that we cannot put our shame onto our children.  We all have some shame in our lives and tend to reflect that on our children, we can break the cycle and enable them to be better.

Being A Father: Loving Discipline

Not loving to discipline but disciplining in a loving way.  Sometimes our children push our buttons, and we react.  This virtual class will help you have a plan in place to be able to discipline appropriately.

Virtual Parenting Without Shame: Emotions

Emotions play a huge role in the way we parent.  You are the leader to teach your children about their emotions and how to manage them correctly.  This virtual class will help you in this parenting task.

Being A Father: Practical Discipline

Disciplining our children can be hard to manage at times. This virtual class will show you some ways to be consistent and create balance in your children.

Parenting Without Shame: Eliminating Shame (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Do you want to raise your child in shame? Prevent them from having healthy relationships as adults? No, you don’t! No parent wants this! But before you can break the cycle of shame and change how you parent, you need to evaluate your responses and reactions to your child’s behavior. Children watch everything we do,

Parenting: Creating Honesty (Virtual)

We’ve all caught our kids in a lie or two. We’ve even told a few ourselves. Why do kids lie, and can you teach them to tell the truth? In this class, we talk about why people lie, how your reaction to your kids’ lies can, in fact, encourage them to lie, and what you

Parenting Without Shame: Nurturing (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Nurturing care of a child teaches them how to trust, be empathetic, and compassionate when they get older. This is something all parents want for their children! But how do you do it and what does it mean to nurture? Learn the important elements of nurture and how this critical aspect of parenting without shame

Parenting: Creating Confidence (Virtual)

What kind of superhero confidence does it take to carry your child through life? To give them supernatural power over their own actions or to defeat the villains of the schoolyard? In this class, we talk about the three things you can do to help create the superpower of confidence in your child!