Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

First Year: First Year Expectations (Virtual)

During that first year of a baby's life there are so many changes.  This class will introduce you to some of the major changes and when to expect them in your baby. After registration, you will be sent a link to join the class.

Cooking With Melissa (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Come join our resident chef, Melissa, as she demonstrates some cooking tips and techniques for you to use in the kitchen.  So, if you are new in the kitchen or already know your way around the kitchen, come join us.

Being A Father: The Two Questions (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

We all have a father experience, even if that experience was the absence of a father. And that experience impacts how men will father their own children. As a man, ask yourself these two questions: What kind of father are you now? What kind of father do you want to be? In this class, we

Parenting Class: Strong-Willed Children (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Do you have a child who is a force to be reckoned with? Who won’t take no for answer, won’t be reasoned with, and won’t do anything they don’t want to do? If so, then you likely have a strong-willed child. Is this good? Is it bad? Can they be taught to comply and cooperate?

First Year: Mommy Nutrition (Virtual)

Let’s see . . . the choice between a Snickers bar for lunch or a healthy alternative. The decision is tough, isn’t it? It’s hard to choose what is good over what feels good. This video looks at why a mommy’s nutritional needs are important and how you can make healthy choices 90 percent of

Being A Father: Real Time (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

President Barack Obama said in his Father’s Day speech in 2008, “What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child—it’s the courage to raise one.” You may have heard that being a good father means spending time with your children. But what does that entail? Is it just enough to be

Toddler: Tantrums (Virtual)

Nothing says membership to the Mommy Club more than watching another mom struggle through a tantrum with her toddler. Every parent will eventually experience meltdowns in their children as they move through toddlerhood. What really causes tantrums? What can you do to help your child through this stage? How do you stop them, or better

First Year: Infant Nutrition (Virtual)

There are many nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Putting it all together may seem like a complex chemistry assignment. While much goes into providing your infant with a healthy diet, whether you’re breastfeeding, using formula, or eventually introducing solid foods, it’s really not complicated. Your own healthy diet establishes a positive pattern for your

Being A Father: Being A Role Model (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Once you’re a father, you’re an instant role model—good or bad. Your kids learn everything from you: how to treat their mother, how they themselves should be treated, how to act, how to parent, and what is most important in life. The question is, what kind of role model are you? This video talks about

Toddler: Siblings (Virtual)

They grow up together, live life together, and share a mom and dad. Sometimes they fight like cats and dogs; sometimes they show incredible kindness and sacrifice. And sometimes they hit each other because they are bored! They are siblings. This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together

Being A Father: Being A Leader (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

To lead or not to lead, that is the question. Well, once you’re a father, you’re a leader, like it or not. Your children will naturally turn to you for guidance and direction. They also look to you to keep them safe. The question then becomes, how you will lead? Even if being a good