First Year: Infant Nutrition (In-Person)

There are many nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Putting it all together may seem like a complex chemistry assignment. While much goes into providing your infant with a healthy

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First Year: SIDs (In-person)

Sudden-Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is a frightening and confusing subject for most parents. Much research over the years has led to many different recommendations that have greatly reduced the

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Teething (In-Person)

Most babies will develop teeth between six and twelve months of age. Teeth are an important part of a child’s health and development. In this lesson, you will learn the

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The First Year: SIDs (In-Person)

Sudden-Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is a frightening and confusing subject for most parents. Much research over the years has led to many different recommendations that have greatly reduced the

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First Year: Infant Nutrition (Virtual)

There are many nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Putting it all together may seem like a complex chemistry assignment. While much goes into providing your infant with a healthy

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