Toddler: Potty Training

That dreaded thing, potty training! It can be done well. This class shows the basics of potty training, including how to know when to start potty training; preparation for the

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Toddler: Siblings (Virtual)

They grow up together, live life together, and share a mom and dad. Sometimes they fight like cats and dogs; sometimes they show incredible kindness and sacrifice. And sometimes they

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Toddler: Tantrums (Virtual)

Nothing says membership to the Mommy Club more than watching another mom struggle through a tantrum with her toddler. Every parent will eventually experience meltdowns in their children as they

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Pregnancy: Potty Training (Virtual)

This video shows the basics of potty training, including how to know when to start potty training; preparation for the big day; the “how to’s” of potty training; rewards and

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Toddler: 12-24 Month Milestones (Virtual)

Your busy toddler is quickly learning new skills in the areas of cognitive development, language and communication development, social and emotional development, and physical development. Every month brings exciting, new

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