Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Toddler: Tantrums (Virtual)

Nothing says membership to the Mommy Club more than watching another mom struggle through a tantrum with her toddler. Every parent will eventually experience meltdowns in their children as they

First Year: Infant Nutrition (Virtual)

There are many nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Putting it all together may seem like a complex chemistry assignment. While much goes into providing your infant with a healthy

Personal and Home Hygiene (Virtual)

Taking care of yourself and your home is vital to living a healthy life.  We will show you the importance of proper personal hygiene to improve your health and ways

Toddler: Siblings (Virtual)

They grow up together, live life together, and share a mom and dad. Sometimes they fight like cats and dogs; sometimes they show incredible kindness and sacrifice. And sometimes they

First Year: Infant Accidents (Virtual)

Bringing a new baby home is exciting. But keeping her safe can be stressful! As she grows, she begins to kick and push with her legs, grab at things, roll

Being A Father: Loving Discipline

Not loving to discipline but disciplining in a loving way.  Sometimes our children push our buttons, and we react.  This virtual class will help you have a plan in place

Virtual Co-Parenting: Critical Issues

Whether single parenting, coparenting, or parenting in a new, blended family, finances are always an important “hot topic” to be discussed and processed between parents. Money is emotional, but these

Virtual Parenting Without Shame: Emotions

Emotions play a huge role in the way we parent.  You are the leader to teach your children about their emotions and how to manage them correctly.  This virtual class