Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Parenting – Creating Motivation (Virtual)

  “I want it, and I want it now!” If you enticed your child with the reward of two marshmallows for waiting just fifteen minutes before eating the first one,

Dad Support Group

This is a safe and welcoming space where fathers can come together to share experiences. You can also seek advice and build a supportive community.  We will explore what the

Being A Father – Being A Role Model (In-Person)

  Once you’re a father, you’re an instant role model—good or bad. Your kids learn everything from you: how to treat their mother, how they themselves should be treated, how

Parenting – Creating Honesty (Virtual)

  We’ve all caught our kids in a lie or two. We’ve even told a few ourselves. Why do kids lie, and can you teach them to tell the truth?

Pregnancy – Infant Hygiene (In-Person)

Caring for an infant does not require vast amounts of training or an advanced degree. Caring for an infant simply requires a dedicated parent willing to respond to a child’s

Dad Support Group

This is a safe and welcoming space where fathers can come together to share experiences. You can also seek advice and build a supportive community.  We will explore what the

Parenting: Creating Kindness (Virtual)

  We want our kids to help old ladies cross the street, serve meals to the poor, and befriend lonely kids at school. But how can we teach them to

Pregnancy – Simple Infant Care (In-Person)

Many less-common but important topics of infant care are often not discussed, particularly from a researched and documented position. This lesson will provide mothers with information on a variety of

Dad Support Group

This is a safe and welcoming space where fathers can come together to share experiences. You can also seek advice and build a supportive community.  We will explore what the