Opportunities designed with you in mind. Reserve your spot today.

Toddler Milestones (Virtual)

Your busy toddler is quickly learning new skills in the areas of cognitive development, language and communication development, social and emotional development, and physical development. Every month brings exciting, new

Center is Closed

We will be closed for Veteran's Day Observance.

First Year: Getting Your Baby To Sleep (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Why do babies sleep for such short stretches of time, and when can you expect yours to sleep through the night? What is a normal sleep cycle, and what makes

Potty Training (Virtual)

This lesson will cover the basics of potty training, including how to know when to start potty training; preparation for the big day; the “how to’s” of potty training; rewards

Understanding Your Infant (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Probably one of the scariest things in life is bringing home your newborn for the first time and realizing, I DON’T COMPLETELY KNOW WHAT I’M DOING! Well, give yourself a

Eliminating Shame In Our Children (In-Person)

FirstLook 213 YMCA Dr, Waxahachie, TX, United States

Do you want to raise your child in shame? Prevent them from having healthy relationships as adults? No, you don’t! No parent wants this! But before you can break the

Tantrums (Virtual)

Nothing says membership to the Parenting Club more than watching another parent struggle through a tantrum with their toddler. Every parent will eventually experience meltdowns in their children as they